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WordPress is the most popular CMS around the world, and its authentification page to access your administration area is really really easy to find, because I just have to add /wp-admin at the end of your domain to access the admin of a WordPress installation. Ok, so? Ready to move on?

Spice up quotidian

There is an issue! The problem with this easy-to-find login page is that our little brut-forcer bots who are trying to authenticate themself with “admin” username (this is not yours? I hope so…) can put down your hosting/server (DDOS, seen recently!).
Allowing you to change this authentification page is a good point for your website security. It become possible with this plugin by Grégory Viguier.

What is SF Move Login doing?

This plugin allows you to change the login page, the logout page, the reset-password page, and the register page URL of your WordPress installation.
For example in my website, instead of, I will register as login page
But it’s not only a redirection, the access to the page will be forbidden. You will be able to customize this behavior via the settings page of the plugin.

Why should I use SF Move Login ?

The first reason that can jump out at you is about aspect of URLs:  easier to remember,  more logical for some projects (with naming convention, for example), and who knows what.

The best usefulness of the plugin, to me, is the fact that the login page (and the others) are moved to another URL. It’s a very good point, because the brut-forcer bots will never find by themself your authentification page. It’s a real brake for those bots, and an advantage for your website security.

How to use it?

Install the plugin like any WordPress plugin, then activate it. That’s all!
If you need to customize the URLs (and I advise you to do so), find the settings page of the plugin inside the Settings main menu of your admin.

The little extras

  • Multisite support: customized URLs for each website in your network.
  • IIS support
  • Security checked by the co-developer  Julio Potier from SecuPress.
  • The plugin brings to you lots of hooks, and a “FTP” way out if something goes wrong during setting up.

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