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Last articles about HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, WordPress, et Webdesign

Create a Sticky menu with CSS and JavaScript

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I recently worked on several websites, and the request for a sticky menu was almost systematic. Sometimes it was justified, sometimes I approached the stereotypical ergonomic counter-example. But still! Let’s see together how we can do that.

Natural Flow First

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Last week, I worked on a new short web project: the WP Media Company website. It’s a single web page with some typical sections and subtle animations. I was ready to code it with a Mobile First method, and I finally thought about a more natural one. I named it: (Natural) Flow First.

Read URL GET parameters with JavaScript

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Seems to be really easy when you think about it. Though, during the same week, we questioned me two times about that. In a server language, getting the URL parameters is really easy. But JavaScript doesn’t offer a way to do it natively. I propose to you a little function to do so, but perhaps other ways exist already.

WordPress Plugin: SF Move Login

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WordPress is the most popular CMS around the world, and its authentification page to access your administration area is really really easy to find, because I just have to add /wp-admin at the end of your domain to access the admin of a WordPress installation. Ok, so? Ready to move on?

Web Resources #3

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The Web is too bug. I propose to you to keep digging to find the best resources of the week/month (depending the time I give to curating). I mainly use social network to find and share those links. This is a selection of JS, CSS and UI resources only for you.

Web Resources #2

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Second post about sharing resources with the same form of the first one. Thanks to your feedback, I knew you loved this kind of publication. Among resources I share, some are to follow closely, despite their young age. They are promising. So, this is the second post with shared resources. Enjoy !

Web Resources #1

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I often see a lot of very interesting resources on my networks, but I don’t have time enought to test each. Sometimes, I use this blog to make a review of a particular tool, but it’s only when I have time to do so. I therefore propose to you a list of links that caught my attention.

Advanced drop shadows with CSS3

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I use the name “CSS3″ only for its “commercial” aspect. Actually, we will use my two favorite pseudo-elements :after and :before which are available since CSS2.1. I mean they are available since a long time ago… Demos you see in the demo page are composed with only one unique <div> and some CSS properties.

Find a font from an image or an URL

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“This font is just awesome! I want the same for my new project!”. Yep, it’s happening to me too, sometimes. But I’m not a typographer. When I need to find the name of a typeface I saw, I have two solutions: asking Twitter (so, what?!) or using a tool to help me. And you know what? I found one to help me in that task.